6. The Drag

Psychedelic Masterpieces

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7. Pride

Psychedelic Masterpieces

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8. Beautiful Shatters

Psychedelic Masterpieces

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9. Man A Man A Mwnci (Might As Well)

Psychedelic Masterpieces

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10. The Lost Eye

Psychedelic Masterpieces

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Art in every form is beautiful. These colours, patterns, messages convey so much more than what sane paintings can say. We do not know why psychedelic paintings are not popular in masses. May be because they are created under the influence of drugs or may be for some other reason. However the fact is that such marvel art needs much much more appreciation and recognition. This article is a humble effort towards the same. It would be very kind of you to show appreciation towards these artists by sharing this post as much as you can.

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