6. Carbonated Drinks

Colas, caffeinated beverages and carbonated drinks contain large amounts of sugar. The plaque bacteria utilizes that to damage your enamel, resulting in decay and permanent damage to your teeth. A helpful remedy for this is to consume water alongside these drinks to decrease its effect on the teeth. But the best thing to do is to avoid it in total for colas are not good at all for the body.

Disturbing Fact: 1 glass of carbonated cola has 40 sachets of sugar!!!

Cola bad for teeth

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7) Alcohol

Dry mouth, dehydration and stripped enamel are a cause of excessive alcohol. Frequent alcohol consumers when drink the ice cold liquid, it immediately weakens and damages the enamel. Additionally, the sugars from the alcohol diluters like tonic water, red bull, colas etc are equally bad for the teeth. So party goers, be careful and watch what are you drinking.

Alcohol Bad for Teeth

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8) Popsicle

The harmless innocent looking Popsicle is nothing but ice coloured with artificial colouring agents and loads of sugar. It might be a good fun idea to have it sometimes but too much of anything is bad including the Popsicle. So next time after you relish on a Popsicle, please immediately go and brush your teeth.

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Dentists suggests that the above listed food should not be completely avoided, but its intake should be in moderate quantity. This would help in avoiding teeth problems such as erosion, decaying and permanent damage. Dentists also suggest that foods such as vegetables, dairy products and nuts are best for healthy and long lasting teeth. Lastly they emphasize the importance of drinking enough amount of water on daily basis and brush and floss regularly.

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