Gypsies have been around for as long as one can remember, there’s also one from a fairy tale – The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Though this term is not new to any of us, we most often have a set impression of how a gypsy lives or looks like, but have we ever thought about the gypsies who live among us as just another normal next door neighbor? This story is sure to give you something you can ponder upon the next time you meet a Gypsy Soul.

Gypsy - Short Story

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Jack, the gypsy soul of our story had rather humble beginnings and was born to family that lived in one place all their lives! This wasn’t the case with Jack he had the word ‘Gypsy’ written all over him since he was born, his family discovered it when he was just about 9 year old lad. Jack would take off to the nearby forest reserve and spend an entire day there just reading or exploring the place. What started off as a day, soon turned into days in no time at all. When he was just a 15 year old teenager jack took off for a week to the nearby mountain to spend his days hiking and exploring the forest. This was just the beginning for him.

As a boy he always knew his love for travelling and his hatred for settling in one place for a long time. Soon Jack grew up and started working but took up a job that would take him places almost every week. Once he got bored with the job and the travelling, he would shift cities, get a new job, a new place and explore it to the T. Jack’s family eventually understood him and let go of him. He also ended up marrying someone exactly like him, well in their case they were soul mates in every sense.

Soon Jack started moving cities with lock, stock and barrel every few years. In the modern world this may seem like a clear streak of instability but he looked at it as opportunities to explore new places, to discover new cultures, to soak in new traditions and ways of living; all of these aspects just gave Jack and his family undeniable happiness.

This man’s life gives you perspective of how mundane routine can get and how a single perspective can rule one’s thoughts. To give more clarity, the term gypsy only relates to a person who wanders with no will and a person who dresses in a particular way and lives a specific lifestyle. This man’s life shows that one can also live a gypsy lifestyle in the modern day world. One can hold a job for a few years and provide for the family while living in a normal society. He shows stability is how you perceive it to be, there is stability even in being a gypsy as you choose to consistently maintain that lifestyle and pass it down to generations with their choice. This is truly wanderlust in every sense.

Gypsy - Short Story

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