Religious stories are full of teachings and they are very interesting too. In fact, when looked at from the angle of quality reading material, they meet high standards. The qualitative descriptions are impeccable. The characters have a lot of depth and develop very well over time. Lastly, the plot is very tight, with a fitting climax. Here are a few interesting stories from the Quran:


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Prophet Musa in the Quran

Prophet Musa is known for his inquisitive and stubborn nature. He is one of those who questions everything. While he accepted Islam and accepted God as all-knowing, that would not stop his from challenging God.

Once, he wanted to see if God is really omnipresent. This is one of his many experiments mentioned in the Quran. He wanted to see if God can really get food to each of his creations. To challenge God, he trapped a couple of ants in a box. Then, he walked up to the place where he would have a conversation with God, and asked him, “have you fed all your creatures today?” and God replied, “Yes I have”.

He then asked him “Are you sure? I trapped a couple of ants in a box”. Then, God asked him to open the box and see. Inside the box, the ants were feasting on a grain of rice. This story was meant to portray that God can reach his creations, no matter what the physical or other barriers.

Another story of Prophet Musa

He wanted to feed all the creations in the world. He asked God’s permission for the same. God famously told him, as per the Quran, that he won’t be able to. He still wanted to try. He got a grand feast made and then asked all humans, animals, sea life and birds to come for the feast. However, one giant whale came and ate ALL the food that there was. Now, that is an epic fail. Perhaps not. It had a lot of learning. It humbles us that we have a lot to know yet. Also, God has a sense of humor.


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But Prophet Musa was not someone who was beaten easily, even if the opponent is God himself. The next time, he said that he would like to create a being, just like God created all these creatures.

His demands were growing outrageous. So, God told him that creation was not a joke and that it is wise if he did not attempt. But he wanted to try, so he was allowed. Legend has it that he created the bat. While he remembered to do everything else, he forgot about the excretory mechanism, and so bats have to eat and excrete using the same parts/organs.


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The reason why these stories were picked was to show the benevolent, indulgent and loving side of God in Islam which may not come across very well in popular literature and understanding. As long as your belief is in the right place, God is an indulgent presence.

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